Sunday, November 6, 2016

Higher Education For Everyone, and Why We Must VOTE on Tuesday......

Higher Education For Everyone, and Why We Must VOTE on Tuesday......

In my career as an educator, I value the options that I have as an American citizen. Education has allowed me to make the choices that I have for myself. Often in my conversations with fellow colleagues I site examples of how my educational achievements have postured my successes. With these conversations I ask, don't you want the same for your students? The state of America is yet before us. The ability to vote on Tuesday is another example of the options that I mention to parents, students, and co-workers. If not for the ability to educate ones' self, to make informed decisions, and to obtain the pursuits of happiness you desire your choices are limited. These should be the choices before ALL Americans. It should be your reality. Specifically there would be a limited understanding of this option if you do not VOTE. Thus to voice an intelligent decision for your future and your children's future.

We yet have students who are the first in their families to attend college. Many are the first immigrants to attend both public and private colleges and universities. As educators, we should foster the best in learning resources and opportunities for American's youth. I can attest to being the first child (eldest) to attend college. No, I was not the first in my family to attend and graduate from college but I was the first of my parent's two children. The experiences I encountered were new in that I graduated from a small private high school. I attended at local HBCU and I lived at home. My education was supported both by my parents and other financial resources available to me. I mention this because this is my truth. It helps me to focus on who I feel is the best candidate to support my adult needs, who will understand my past concerns, and who will further make way for my future aspirations. Yes, it applies to so many in particular those that I lead in education (my students). Students are finding themselves on college campuses both pre-pared for somethings and un-pre-pared for other things. Yes, I know how I syllabicated these words. I am intending to show the disconnect.... The disconnect will widen if we are not focused on who is best for education and the causes that we support.

In education we must continue to improve and provide meaningful learning experiences for our students while in high school. College and Career Ready must not be a slogan it must be a reality for all students. With this, your ability to VOTE on Tuesday should be impacted by the candidate that embraces your needs, abilities, and postures you to reach your goals. A reality check is to first identify where are you currently in life? The fashion should not be for the candidate that only speaks to your party but it should be to the one that can identify with your needs and where you currently are in life.... Wow, this is a heavy load but it must be your truth. What candidate do you see walking in your shoes or who has ever walked in your shoes? These are just questions that will help you recognize your true identify in this matter. I know very well who I identify with, truthfully!

I have well identified with the candidate that mirrors my past, present, and future. If you will take a view at what the faces of college and career students look like in the 21st century you will see the need to VOTE responsibly on Tuesday. I see myself in so many of these college students. Equally, I am cognizant of how I have derived at my current place in America. It was with Financial Freedom, Academic Freedom, Justice for ALL, Equity for ALL, Social Liberations, Women's' Rights, and mostly Dignity in Democracy that aided my growth and professional development. America is GREAT. We must maintain what has made it great. We are not rebuilding but we are continuing to build on what is already great. The insert is very true of so many of our students in P-12 education. You should be able to find yourself in some of these college students.

As a district level education administrator, I take great leadership in my support of public education and any candidate who supports higher education for everyone. We must vote for the candidate who will support our needs from our present place (i.e.) rural American, affluent backgrounds, poverty, etc. We must realize that we all can achieve but the freedom to choose must be available to us. Colleges and Universities must have funding to support the educational needs our students. States must have resources to support best practices and more improved educational outcomes for students and adult learning in P-12 settings. Mostly, we must have leadership that addresses the needs of everyone. Diversification should not be an option but a requirement. Acceptance without tolerance and understanding is an unequal equation. All genders, ethnicities, backgrounds, and preferences must be present to make this nation work.

Therefore on Tuesday; November 8, 2016 please vote for our Nation's First Female President "Hillary Clinton"; the fate of College and Career Readiness depends on it. The fate of HBCU's depends on it. The fate of first time college students entering and graduating post-secondary institutions depends on it. Minorities in leadership depends on it. In short, the fate of America depends on it. As a proud American I support what is best for all. As a educator, I support Hillary Clinton for President.


Patton, L. D. Renn, K. A., Guido, F. M., & S. J. Quaye . (2016). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Chapter 1, “An Introduction to Student Development Theory” pp. 5-18
  • Chapter 2, "Using Student Development Theory" pp. 51-6

Post by:
Dr. Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, Ed.D., Ed.S., M.Ed., M.S., B.S.
Educational Director - Career Technical Education / Workforce Development
Macon County Public Schools

Post-Doctoral Student - Walden University
Higher Education - M.S. Program

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Where Do We Begin Our Leadership Practices... Why and How?

Where Do We Begin Our Leadership Practices... Why and How?

In educational leadership and administrative management in general there are so many facets and means for providing a quality outcome. Nevertheless they must all begin with an appropriate vision which is based on research, faith to do what is right, and collaboration among stakeholders. These are a few qualities that I have used and found to be successful. Educators often share a common vision; however without communication and the sharing of concepts we tend to practice in isolation. In my efforts towards expanding greater successes in education I practice open communication via effective communications. Very simply, there must be ongoing developments to improve and maintain effective educational programs and administrative services. Specifically, professional growth and retention within student organizations can lead to successful outcomes. May of which are impacted by other professional actions in education. Student leadership in CTSOs - Career Tech Student Organizations is a emergent topic of discussion as it is the focus for this post. Student Development and Adult Development mirror similar outcomes, preparations, and focus. Please see the following.

Educational Planning:
  1. Strategic Development.
  2. Organization Structure.
  3. Identification of Resources.
  4. Authentic Partnerships.
  5. Expected Outcomes.
Educational Management:
  1. Communicating the Vision.
  2. Addressing Problematic Matters.
  3. Providing Corrective Action and Meaningful Support.
  4. Delegation of Authority Roles and Responsibilities.
  5. Empowering students and subordinate staff by understanding the psychology of leadership to include professional growth and organization retention.

The areas of focus for this article are not limited to understanding the nature of leadership in all education settings. The identification of resources should include your human factors; these are your students and adults. The many dispositions that leadership carries may vary as we have many different messengers. Leadership is shared and it must be shared equally if it is to be effective and without bias and motive actions. An ideal leader is transparent and unyielding to common beliefs and practices. Having said, best practices guide uniform decision making and program outcomes. As I have researched the concept of intuitive leadership, it is measured differently based on ones understanding of educational psychology. In the process of employing the above Educational Management Outcomes based on the Educational Planning Goals there must be equity within the organization. Having said, shared leadership and value towards internal strengths should be a vital resource.

Where do we begin our leadership practices, why and how? This can be interfaced by all individual in educational settings. Students, Teachers, Counselors, Administrators, Stakeholders, etc can all ask this question. We will find that the responses may vary but should all impact educational growth and development. As a practitioner of best practices, I make it my best effort to empower those that I supervise. I encourage educational development as a first in my leadership regimen. Equally, I recognize the efforts of those who seek and have sought educational advancements. This is done with promotion in the workplace and added and shared responsibility. More directly, the same applies to student learning, leadership and growth. CTSOs provide opportunities for student growth which will improve college and career readiness among high school students. Student leaders should also have added responsibilities in the school setting.

All organizations of greater impact, employ these dispositions. Not all at the same time or in the same manner but equally towards accomplishing the same goals. From my readings of the references posted I have found these methods and recognition of these strategies to be effective in my leadership. Organizational development is only as strong as the planning and vision of the leadership in front of it. Therefore the question is asked, where do you begin our leadership? If not founded on principle, it should not temper discussion. Why and how we develop our programs and organizations will be determined from the leader. The outcomes either good are bad can also be pre-determined in cause by the leadership actions taken. As educational director in my current school district, I lead the effort in developing student potential within our CTE CTSOs. This is what is expected of me in regards to my professional role and  responsibilities. All organizations should manifest and promote professional growth as a means of reaching higher goals and obtaining greater resources.

In good keeping,  CTE programs will only be as strong as their CTSOs. Similarly, teachers will only be as strong as their principal's leadership, principals will only be as strong as their district's leadership, and district leaders can only be strong when effective strategies for their leadership are in place. This will include but is not limited to the recognition of educational accomplishment, value and worth in the organizational structure, etc. In doing so, organizational management should embrace an open perspective towards achievement and outcomes. The links between leadership and how to obtain leadership are common among entities. As I continue to explore these and other methods I will continue to encourage and promote my students, teachers, and staff. I will support   professional advancements in education. Furthermore, in my role, I will maintain the efforts of proving professional experiences designed to increase membership in CTSOs and professional organizations among teachers and staff. With this I will provide a balance for this connection which will allow professional success for all.

Gardner, H. (1995). Leading minds: An anatomy of leadership. New York: Basic Books.
Northouse, P.G. (2004). Leadership: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

The Future of Higher Education: Rhetoric, Reality, and the Risks of the Market
Chapter 12, "A Decade of Opportunity"

Posted by:
Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, EdD, EdS, M.Ed., M.S. B.S.
Educational Director -
Career Technical & Workforce Development
Macon County Public School District

Monday, September 5, 2016

Transforming Student Learning w/ Dual Enrollment; a focus on Higher Education.

Transforming Student Learning w/ Dual Enrollment; a focus on Higher Education.

As we look more towards district level accountability in public education we also need to look internally to our high school programs and educational structures set to meet these outcomes. In my current education setting, we are offering a new concept which is dual enrollment. For the past two years we have aggressively pursued enrolling high school students in college courses both 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities.  In our attempts to prepare students for a professional life after graduation, we have postured our academic programs to meet this long-range goal in a short period of time. Students can now begin taking college classes as early as the ninth grade. In our district we have met this provision with success. Additionally this concept allows our school system to meet a new plan for district accountability. With this new initiative we have met many challenges as well as we have made many positive outcomes and advances. There is yet more development needed to synthesize this initiative which is the reason we must improve our transformation process.

Presently we have 85 students in dual enrollment with a post-secondary institution (2-year college). We have grown this number from fifteen from our first semester two years ago. We offer courses in: Health Sciences, Public Speaking, Automotive Manufacturing, Automotive Services, Business Administration, and Finance w/ Accounting. Yes, we have a strong STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) focus within our Career Technical division. With all of this, there is a need to improve and continue to advance our teaching methods in general education to better prepare students as they face dual enrollment. Dual enrollment at a 2-year college is just as important as dual enrollment at 4-year college/university. In fact, many of the core courses are the same (I.e.) Math, English, Science and Social Sciences to include some of the electives. Dual Enrollment hopefully will not vanish anytime soon; therefore, as a public educator I see the need to bridge a stronger connection between P-12 and Post Secondary learning environments regardless of their size, location, and historical background. Every institution of higher learning supports learning growth for all students. We must connect our students to these possibilities. To do so we must continue the following:

  • Develop cross-walks for similar content courses. This must co-exist with all secondary courses. This is currently in place but it needs more definition.
  • Improve career development within cooperative education programs. This will increase student' interest in high demand jobs and careers. We have improved this practice within our existing cooperative education program. Furthermore, we are now offering COOP to both of our high schools with more STEM related employment, job shadowing, and internship opportunities.
These are just a few of the ongoing improvement activities needed to further develop a transformation process. The need for students to matriculate through high school to college and from high school to career success is paramount. The outcomes are endless but it will only begin with planning and a strategic implementation of a unified plan. Student success is for every student; moreover there are many levels of successful methods. A school district must offer as many opportunities for success as there are students enrolled. The collaborations that we (Macon County Public Schools) has with post-secondary is a great start; however the greater challenges are in front of us. As a senior level district leader, I will continue to support the efforts of every student interfacing dual enrollment within their high school career. Additionally, that every child has a cooperative education experience to further place them in proximity of having a slice of the American dream. In my efforts of meeting these long and short terms goals, I will continue to explore higher education and its resources available to P-12 entities. Funding, authentic collaborations, student exposure, parental support, and internal structures will be the focus of my post. My goal is to improve the outcomes for student success by providing a healthy conversation per the need for college and career success. This post will be a series of improvement conversations needed to better support our students via Dual Enrollment and Higher Education.


Newman, F., Couturier, L., & Scurry, J. (2004). The future of higher education: Rhetoric, reality, and the risks of the market. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Chapter 1, "Higher Education in the Grip of Transforming Change"

O'Banion, T. (2010). Focus on learning: The core mission of higher education. In T. O'Banion & C. Wilson (Eds.), Focus on learning: A Learning College Reader. Phoenix, AZ: League for Innovation in the Community College.

Posted by:
Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, EdD
Educational Director -
Career & Workforce Development
Macon County Public Schools

Sunday, April 24, 2016

How To Submit Quality Online Assignments - First Understand Your' Role.

How To Submit Quality Online Assignments - First Understand Your' Role.

Online leaning is yet a developing concept in education. More programs of learning are attracting younger audiences. Regardless of the audience the roles are the same. There are roles and responsibilities that must be embraced by the Learner and the Instructor. Listed are just a few of your more common roles and responsibilities that can set the stage for a healthy online learning experience. The face-to-face or traditional learning environment may also reflect some of these dispositions. However the greater effectiveness comes when these procedures are in place at the beginning of the learning exchange.

The Learners' Role:

  • Begin with a flexible schedule. Build a time-management schedule for your study time.
  • Devote a minimum of thirty hours per week to learning.
  • Perform most of their schoolwork offline—reading books, writing, and completing assignments.
  • Spend 15–30% of each school day working on the computer.
The Instructors' Role:
  • Cheer students on and let them know when they are on the right track. Provide a open channel of communication with you and the student.
  • Highlight important points made during discussion.
  • Question students about their understanding or ask them to clarify remarks they have made or expand on certain ideas.
  • Correct misconceptions/misunderstandings.
As a preparation to measure your ability to be a successful online student, please complete the following:

Discussion Question:

Based on your readiness to begin taking a online course. What are some of the things that you think may limit you in your learning? Please make certain to discuss any current learning experiences that you feel would be of greater or less benefit to you if you were experiencing them online.

Application Assignment:
  1. View any television show this week (Monday - Friday).
  2. List the show, time, and network that you viewed.
  3. Discuss the characters in the process of an analysis by listing the characters in that show and series
  4. Identify a character that you liked the best and you will clearly define this person (i.e.) appearance, wardrobe, communication skills, etc.
  5. Cite two quotes that this person used in the particular episode.
Submission Protocol for the Discussion Topic:

By Wednesday: Post your thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of assessing online collaborative work from the perspective of the instructor and the learner. Propose two strategies, approaches, or guidelines that you consider to be “best practices” for managing and assessing group discussions and projects in an online environment. Be sure to cite information from the Learning Resources to support your thinking.

By Sunday: Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. As you read their responses, note those to which you would like to respond with advice, questions, comments, and/or encouragement.

Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in any of the following ways:

  1. Build on something your colleague said.
  2. Explain why and how you see things differently.
  3. Ask a probing or clarifying question.
  4. Share an insight from having read your colleague's posting.
  5. Offer and support an opinion. 
  6. Validate an idea with your own experience.
  7. Expand on your colleague's posting.
  8. Ask for evidence that supports the posting.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Reflect on what you learned in this activity and/or insights you gained this week.

Submission Protocol for the Application Assignment:
  1. The assignment will be submitted as a PDF document via e-mail to the instructor.
  2. The assignment will be no longer than 5 paragraphs (one-essay).
  3. The assignment will follow standard usage of Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics.
The learning process can be adverse depending on how well you adapt to a few of the suggestions listed. Take time and read each requirement and protocol. Make certain that you have time to complete the task and the necessary resources. If you have any difficulty in completing the task, you should email your instructor in a timely manner.
Assessment Rubric:
5 - Points for effective use of Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics with a minimum of two errors per paragraph with a total of 5 paragraphs (i.e.) spelling, punctuation, etc.
5 - Points for providing supporting evidence linked to the preceding and following paragraph which supports cohesiveness in writing.
5 – Points for using correct parallels in writing and sentence types (i.e.) simple, compound, compound-complex. Demonstrate effective use of these sentence types. 1-Point for simple sentence types, 2 points for compound-complex, 3 points for compound sentences.
5 – Points for submitting the assessment in a PDF e-mail on the date of request using Times New Roman and 12pt font. Two points will be deduced for submitting this assessment after the deadline.

20 – 16 = A
15 – 11 = B
10 – 6 = C
5 – 0 = D
Porpora, R. (2008). Growing Up Online: Interviews. PBS Frontline. Retrieved from

Submitted by:
Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, EdD
Walden University
Instructional Design & Technology

Monday, February 15, 2016

How to correct Plagiarism with P-12 students....

How to correct Plagiarism with P-12 students....

So often in my daily work I see patterns of plagiarism with the students that I supervise. As a former classroom teacher I taught the research process with both my elementary and secondary students. This is one the larger reasons I support having a Thesis requirement on advanced degree programs. I greatly appreciate having to write a thesis proposal for my Masters Degree, a full thesis for my Specialist Degree, the dissertation for my Doctorate Degree. It is very evident that where there is practice there is perfection. You must write professionally in professional settings and to do this you must have practiced extensively.

I enjoy writing which is the reason I focus so much on content and the construct of written communications. You will find that in most of my writing I do not quote as much as others do in general writing. In short, I write freely...I do not find the need to quote in my informal communications in that I always rephrase what I have read. However in more formal documents, I will cite my sources. Nonetheless, I do cite my sources as references in my various blog post. Again, these are often documents that I have read of which I do not need to cite as I am not using quotes.  This practice comes from repetitive practice. Having said, we must teach our students the correct processes in research and formal writing. This holds true to texting which is another post...

Having also been a high school assistant principal, I saw too many copy and paste documents submitted to teachers for evaluation. The sad issue was that the teachers accepted and graded the papers and awarded high scores. This in my view was deplorable. I addressed the matter with various teachers and I found that they did not know any better. Again, if there was more formal writing in college programs of adult students with thesis requirements we as educators would have a better command for the research and documentation process. Plagiarism is very common because it is not understood and recognizable by the common eye. Very often people talk the way they write. I can very easily spot the falsehoods in a person's written communication if they are speaking in the opposite voice. This is a first sign. Secondly when you have sources that do not match you may consider some form of plagiarism to exist. Again, without any training on the research process you will overlook these indicators. Lastly a very common eye-opener is the individuals' inability to discuss their work. In short, they have no idea where to begin a conversation about what they have submitted.

The correction process towards plagiarism is not an easy fix; however it can be done with more applied efforts in professional writing. In my school district we employ a concept of Power Writing. I am a advocate of this practice. However, we are having to really push the issue. Many educators write poorly and do not know it. They avoid writing and they do not correct their students. They allow students to write poorly and speak using incorrect english. Others write poorly and don't care. In both situations students fail to master the process therefore plagiarism exist. If we have more practice in writing we will see better results with our students. Therefore I am taking an active approach towards this issue. Again, the educator must be proficient. This is why I will begin, hosting writing series with my staff to determine the need for assistance and to better focus on how to improve the problems associated with plagiarism in P-12 educational settings. We will begin on this week in Career and Technical Education writing and correcting our works. With this corrective action we will improve the writing of our students and less the frequency of Plagiarism in P-12 settings.

Chao, C., Wilhelm, W., & Neureuther, B. (2009). A study of electronic detection and pedagogical approaches for reducing plagiarism. Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, 51(1), 31-42.

Posted by:
Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, EdD
Educational Director of Programs
Career & Technical Education - Macon County Public Schools

Post-Doctoral Program
Walden University
M.S. Program Instructional Design & Technology

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Developing Quality Instructional Programs; Online Learning and Program Evaluation.

Developing Quality Instructional Programs; Online Learning and Program Evaluation.

As I begin to explore the concept of online learning in various educational settings, I take many factors into consideration. I look at the level of infostructure, professional capacity, skill set of program administrators, and mostly the readiness skills and dispositions of the learners. The use of various mediums within the instructional range is and can be overwhelming for example: multimedia programs and software. In my experiences, there must be a well developed plan to assist new learners with this concept and to support their emergent learning needs. You will find that there are often common concerns among new and veteran learners with these and similar technical concepts.

Within the development processes the instructor must make certain that the learning environment is conductive for all learners. This is going to require that a revisit towards the program outcomes, procedures, communication platforms, etc are constantly addressed. Now, where to you address the program components and in what phase(s). Well, you develop an assessment plan which will serve as a program evaluation component and you will review this feedback on a regular basis. Particularly at the end of each term you and a team will determine where the greater need for assistance has developed. This will enable you to do a follow up with your learners and to provide an outreach to new learners in the beginning of the course and/or program.

When faced with concerns from learners you will find that having access to the programs and educational resources may be an issue. In many P-12 settings to include collegiate settings you will have individual learners who in 2016 that do not have access to the internet to access necessary online resources. In both rural and affluent communities this may be an issue. I am also finding it appropriate to use all modes of communication both online, phone (tele-conference), skype, etc to meet the learning needs of your students. Yet you are developing alternative assessment protocols towards meeting the needs of the learners' instructional, affective, and socio-emotional. needs. When learners have access and are comfortable with their access, true learning takes place.

The development of online learning resources requires extensive training and an appreciation for diversity. In my career, I have worked in many settings and with many people. What I have found to be very true, people (students/learners) respond to what they are either familiar with or what is presented to them in an approachable manner. With this, how you develop your program is a great start; however a better approach is what you develop and how the students receive it. Too often you have the best programs and the wrong delivery which may include personnel. I think we must plan to have the best delivery and the better programs. To do this, it will require more planning and support towards the learner and a more contingent review of the learners pre-learning needs which ultimately affect their outcomes. I hope that I have provided some insight towards what makes online learning a every evolving tasks. It is the perceptions about online learning that makes it difficulty. There has never been a difficulty in the learning and growing process. Programs must change, to do this successfully you have to embrace the feedback from your evaluations. Again, the best programs require retooling. How have you planned to retool your program and its delivery....


Fish, W. W., & Wickersham, L. E. (2009). Best practices for online instructors: Reminders. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 10(3), 279-284. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete database.

Ruey, S. (2010). A case study of constructivist instructional strategies for adult online learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(5), 706-720.

Post by:

Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, EdD

Educational Director of Program

Macon County Public School District

Post Doctoral Student

Instructional Design & Technology

MS Program

Walden University

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Introducing A Online Environment To New Learners; Concepts, Formats, and Acceptance...

Introducing A Online Environment To New Learners; Concepts, Formats, and Acceptance...

In 2016 we are still challenged with integrating new concepts and trends into education and learning environments. Specifically, individuals who have always participated in face-to-face classrooms are more likely not to want to transition to a fully online or blended learning environment. Therefore it is important to study ways in which these learning trends can effectively interface new and more non traditional mindsets. Knowing what technology you have is very important in the adoption of new programs and services. This not only allows for planning but it helps the educator develop a plan of action towards a successful implementation.

Communicating a program's goals and objectives is very important. In the world of online learning you must be very clear in your expectations and outcomes. In online learning you may also share a mixed (blended format) and/or you may foster a program that is completely online. This is where you must make certain that your communications are clear and concise. The learner should be given the opportunity to view and express their understanding of the course content, grading criteria, instructor expectations, and communication protocols. A poor understanding of these things will often equal a poor academic outcome, thus disposition towards online learning.

Based on my learning resources this week, I agree with one of the presenter as it related to icebreaker activities and allowing the learner to get to know you and vice versa. I will admit that I was not very fond of sharing a personal picture and sharing my educational background for many of the reasons shared by the presenters. With much consideration per the tone set by my Walden University instructors, I now feel comfortable sharing this information. I also admit that it was and is the disposition of the instructor that sets the tone for the learning outcomes. In my experiences with online learning at this university in comparison to another university, the quality of expression from the instructors is greater and it improved my learning and outcomes. Therefore, I am very supportive of now sharing a picture as well as personal information per my employment, academic credentials, etc. In fact, the more that I know professionally about who is teaching me makes me and it also allows me to feel comfortable when seeking assistance and receiving feedback from my instructor.

In all, you must approach online learning with each student one-by-one. Your goals must be clear and your sincerity must be transparent. The learning begins and continues regardless of if you are face-to-face, online in a live chat, or in a web-based format. It all reflects on how the instructor made the student feel about themselves, the course, and their benefits from the learning experience. Hopefully, if these suggestions are followed the outcomes will be favorable and the students will welcome online learning environments. I am in total support of what work best for the learner. Indeed online learning environments do work...

Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Launching the online learning experience [Video file]. Retrieved from

Posted by:
Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, EdD
Post-Doctoral Student
Walden University
MS Program -
Instructional Design and Technology

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Online Learning Readiness and Sustainability; Are You/We Ready?

Online Learning Readiness and Sustainability; Are You/We Ready?

Mostly recently I began to implement a program that has traditionally been taught as a site-based course to a blended method of delivery. Yes, this was difficulty in that so many learners were conditioned to the older way of learning; the teacher physically in front of the student. The process of changing the mindset was not as easy as one would think. Time management and self-discipline were two of the bigger issues. Once those were addressed however a continuous concern, I began to see learning interface a new outcome.
As I have listened to the various views on leadership and online learning, I am finding that that the outcomes per each program are based on the expectations, visions, and goals of the organization. This is why I find constructive planning and assessment of needs important in the development of online programs and learning communities. There must be a well supported need and a structure to support the needs of the learner. Just saying we want something different is not a valid reason.

Secondly, when developing an online platform there must be room for growth and sustainability. A program will not advance if there are no means to continue implementation of services after a 1-3 year window. There must be adequate funding, professional learning, and communications of shared goals and objectives. This improves buy-in and outreach for persons who are transitioning over to online learning. I have seen this work, but it will take time which requires that you begin at the start of your programs' services.

Lastly,when introducing the concept of online learning, I can speak from first hand experiences. There must be a well communicated goal and plan. There must also be personnel who can manage and implement the programs' goals and objectives. Ultimately there must be evidence that a successful outcome is obtainable. Too often programs fail prematurely based on the lack of stakeholder affiliation with program developers, etc. The relationships that can develop from an online experience are very important to both the learner and the educator. Not only are these programs convenient they are vital for the success of a global ready society.

Conrad, R., & Donaldson, J. A. (2011). Engaging the online learner: Activities and resources for creative instruction (Updated ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Posted by: 
Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, EdD
Post Doctoral Student
Walden University 
MS - Instructional Technology and Design

Friday, January 1, 2016

Charting New Directions In Leadership...

Happy New Year Everyone.

I am very pleased to be taking this course this semester (Online Instructional Strategies). Moreover, I have enjoyed my experiences with this program at Walden University. This M.S. Program has definitely enhanced my leadership in my current employment position. I am currently Educational Director of Programs for Career & Technical Education and Workforce Development for the Macon County Public School District in Tuskegee, Alabama. This is my seventeenth year in public education. I have taught both elementary and secondary students in general, special education and gifted education classes. I have worked as a Teacher, Reading Coach, Tutor Teacher, Assistant Principal, District Specialist, Coordinator and now Director. In my various roles, I have worked in three school systems. Additionally, I have taught at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Alabama, I have developed doctoral courses for Northcentral University, and currently I am adjunct teaching at Trenholm State Community College in Montgomery, Alabama. All of my educational preparations aided my career directions. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education, a Masters Degree in Educational Administration and Supervision, a Education Specialist Degree in Educational Administration all from Alabama State University, and a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University.

I greatly appreciate the opportunities that have been afforded to me. In teacher leadership and district leadership the continued quest for education is paramount. Therefore when presented the opportunity to seek this degree I aggressively sought the challenge. There has been a change agent in my leadership and in the direction of career and technical educational in my school system. I give great credit to the instruction I have received at Walden University. In closing, I look to continue my learning this semester with this course and from my interactions with each of you. Let us have a great 8 weeks.

Boettcher, J. V., & Conrad, R. (2010). The online teaching survival guide: Simple and practical pedagogical tips. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, EdD
Post Doctoral Student
Walden University
M.S. Program -
Instructional Design & Technology