How To Submit Quality Online Assignments - First Understand Your' Role.
Online leaning is yet a developing concept in education. More programs of learning are attracting younger audiences. Regardless of the audience the roles are the same. There are roles and responsibilities that must be embraced by the Learner and the Instructor. Listed are just a few of your more common roles and responsibilities that can set the stage for a healthy online learning experience. The face-to-face or traditional learning environment may also reflect some of these dispositions. However the greater effectiveness comes when these procedures are in place at the beginning of the learning exchange.
The Learners' Role:
- Begin with a flexible schedule. Build a time-management schedule for your study time.
- Devote a minimum of thirty hours per week to learning.
- Perform most of their schoolwork offline—reading books, writing, and completing assignments.
- Spend 15–30% of each school day working on the computer.
- Cheer students on and let them know when they are on the right track. Provide a open channel of communication with you and the student.
- Highlight important points made during discussion.
- Question students about their understanding or ask them to clarify remarks they have made or expand on certain ideas.
- Correct misconceptions/misunderstandings.
Discussion Question:
Based on your readiness to begin taking a online course. What are some of the things that you think may limit you in your learning? Please make certain to discuss any current learning experiences that you feel would be of greater or less benefit to you if you were experiencing them online.
Application Assignment:
- View any television show this week (Monday - Friday).
- List the show, time, and network that you viewed.
- Discuss the characters in the process of an analysis by listing the characters in that show and series
- Identify a character that you liked the best and you will clearly define this person (i.e.) appearance, wardrobe, communication skills, etc.
- Cite two quotes that this person used in the particular episode.
By Wednesday: Post your
thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of assessing online collaborative
work from the perspective of the instructor and the learner. Propose two
strategies, approaches, or guidelines that you consider to be “best practices”
for managing and assessing group discussions and projects in an online
environment. Be sure to cite information from the Learning Resources to support
your thinking.
By Sunday: Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. As you read their responses, note those to which you would like to respond with advice, questions, comments, and/or encouragement.
Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in any of the following ways:
By Sunday: Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. As you read their responses, note those to which you would like to respond with advice, questions, comments, and/or encouragement.
Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in any of the following ways:
- Build on something your colleague said.
- Explain why and how you see things differently.
- Ask a probing or clarifying question.
- Share an insight from having read your colleague's posting.
- Offer and support an opinion.
- Validate an idea with your own experience.
- Expand on your colleague's posting.
- Ask for evidence that supports the posting.
Return to this Discussion in a few
days to read the responses to your initial posting. Reflect on what you learned
in this activity and/or insights you gained this week.
Submission Protocol for the Application Assignment:
- The assignment will be submitted as a PDF document via e-mail to the instructor.
- The assignment will be no longer than 5 paragraphs (one-essay).
- The assignment will follow standard usage of Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics.
Assessment Rubric:
5 - Points for effective use of Grammar, Usage, and
Mechanics with a minimum of two errors per paragraph with a total of 5
paragraphs (i.e.) spelling, punctuation, etc.
5 - Points for providing supporting evidence linked
to the preceding and following paragraph which supports cohesiveness in
5 – Points for using correct parallels in writing
and sentence types (i.e.) simple, compound, compound-complex. Demonstrate
effective use of these sentence types. 1-Point for simple sentence types, 2
points for compound-complex, 3 points for compound sentences.
5 – Points for submitting the assessment in a PDF
e-mail on the date of request using Times New Roman and 12pt font. Two points
will be deduced for submitting this assessment after the deadline.
20 – 16 = A
15 – 11 = B
10 – 6 = C
5 – 0 = D
Resources:Porpora, R. (2008). Growing Up Online: Interviews. PBS Frontline. Retrieved from
Submitted by:
Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, EdD
Instructional Design & Technology

Good set of instructions; a little unclear as to how the introduction and information relate to the learning activity. There are not expectations for a discussion assignment which is the focus of the Week 7 Assignment #2.