Higher Education For Everyone, and Why We Must VOTE on Tuesday......
In my career as an educator, I value the options that I have as an American citizen. Education has allowed me to make the choices that I have for myself. Often in my conversations with fellow colleagues I site examples of how my educational achievements have postured my successes. With these conversations I ask, don't you want the same for your students? The state of America is yet before us. The ability to vote on Tuesday is another example of the options that I mention to parents, students, and co-workers. If not for the ability to educate ones' self, to make informed decisions, and to obtain the pursuits of happiness you desire your choices are limited. These should be the choices before ALL Americans. It should be your reality. Specifically there would be a limited understanding of this option if you do not VOTE. Thus to voice an intelligent decision for your future and your children's future.
We yet have students who are the first in their families to attend college. Many are the first immigrants to attend both public and private colleges and universities. As educators, we should foster the best in learning resources and opportunities for American's youth. I can attest to being the first child (eldest) to attend college. No, I was not the first in my family to attend and graduate from college but I was the first of my parent's two children. The experiences I encountered were new in that I graduated from a small private high school. I attended at local HBCU and I lived at home. My education was supported both by my parents and other financial resources available to me. I mention this because this is my truth. It helps me to focus on who I feel is the best candidate to support my adult needs, who will understand my past concerns, and who will further make way for my future aspirations. Yes, it applies to so many in particular those that I lead in education (my students). Students are finding themselves on college campuses both pre-pared for somethings and un-pre-pared for other things. Yes, I know how I syllabicated these words. I am intending to show the disconnect.... The disconnect will widen if we are not focused on who is best for education and the causes that we support.
In education we must continue to improve and provide meaningful learning experiences for our students while in high school. College and Career Ready must not be a slogan it must be a reality for all students. With this, your ability to VOTE on Tuesday should be impacted by the candidate that embraces your needs, abilities, and postures you to reach your goals. A reality check is to first identify where are you currently in life? The fashion should not be for the candidate that only speaks to your party but it should be to the one that can identify with your needs and where you currently are in life.... Wow, this is a heavy load but it must be your truth. What candidate do you see walking in your shoes or who has ever walked in your shoes? These are just questions that will help you recognize your true identify in this matter. I know very well who I identify with, truthfully!
I have well identified with the candidate that mirrors my past, present, and future. If you will take a view at what the faces of college and career students look like in the 21st century you will see the need to VOTE responsibly on Tuesday. I see myself in so many of these college students. Equally, I am cognizant of how I have derived at my current place in America. It was with Financial Freedom, Academic Freedom, Justice for ALL, Equity for ALL, Social Liberations, Women's' Rights, and mostly Dignity in Democracy that aided my growth and professional development. America is GREAT. We must maintain what has made it great. We are not rebuilding but we are continuing to build on what is already great. The insert is very true of so many of our students in P-12 education. You should be able to find yourself in some of these college students.
As a district level education administrator, I take great leadership in my support of public education and any candidate who supports higher education for everyone. We must vote for the candidate who will support our needs from our present place (i.e.) rural American, affluent backgrounds, poverty, etc. We must realize that we all can achieve but the freedom to choose must be available to us. Colleges and Universities must have funding to support the educational needs our students. States must have resources to support best practices and more improved educational outcomes for students and adult learning in P-12 settings. Mostly, we must have leadership that addresses the needs of everyone. Diversification should not be an option but a requirement. Acceptance without tolerance and understanding is an unequal equation. All genders, ethnicities, backgrounds, and preferences must be present to make this nation work.
Therefore on Tuesday; November 8, 2016 please vote for our Nation's First Female President "Hillary Clinton"; the fate of College and Career Readiness depends on it. The fate of HBCU's depends on it. The fate of first time college students entering and graduating post-secondary institutions depends on it. Minorities in leadership depends on it. In short, the fate of America depends on it. As a proud American I support what is best for all. As a educator, I support Hillary Clinton for President.
Patton, L. D. Renn, K. A., Guido, F. M., & S. J. Quaye . (2016). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
- Chapter 1, “An Introduction to Student Development Theory” pp. 5-18
- Chapter 2, "Using Student Development Theory" pp. 51-6
Post by:
Dr. Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, Ed.D., Ed.S., M.Ed., M.S., B.S.
Educational Director - Career Technical Education / Workforce Development
Macon County Public Schools
Post-Doctoral Student - Walden University
Higher Education - M.S. Program
Dr. Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, Ed.D., Ed.S., M.Ed., M.S., B.S.
Educational Director - Career Technical Education / Workforce Development
Macon County Public Schools
Post-Doctoral Student - Walden University
Higher Education - M.S. Program
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