Saturday, March 3, 2018

Suggested Resources; Improving Adult Communication as 21st Century Learners.

           Suggested Resources; Improving Adult Communication as 21st Century Learners.
             In addressing the topic of Digital Citizenship in Adult Learning, I would like to share two resources that may be helpful in this professional exchange. To being this conversation I would like to share the following resource: Common Sense Education -  This is a user friendly application that helps address issues in communicating online from an education disposition (the student). Often students have very good information to share and contribute; however the delivery of their thought is often not in the best professional like; meaning the delivery is unacceptable. Short statements, grammar, usage, mechanics, etc and language tone tend to guild the wrong message.

            As I continue to look for readiness applications to support the learning of a modern day adult student, I continue in my quest to share meaningful applications which may be of benefit. Please allow me to share another resources; Digital Citizenship – Digital Assessment - Too often we think of just placing an adult learner in a traditional setting without any knowledge of their technical skills and ability to communicate in a post-secondary setting. The assessment data from a digital assessment on an adult learner gives the college or university a needs assessment of where to begin with the student. This information can be used to target growth with the leaner over a period of time to include graduation which supports the need for an effective growth and retention pattern.

            Now as we reflect on the matter of digital citizenship within adult education, I would like to move our thought processes to a specific position. From the development of these skills the learner will be able to better and more effectively communicate with instructors and peers via their online and face-to-face skills and resources. Moreover, so many of our students in higher education settings have the skills but lack the finesse of using these acquisitions in a more approved, acceptable, and applied manner. For example, online applications, chat sessions, blogs, and in general written communications to include e-mails are of great necessity in the development of a progressed adult learner. Most recently I spoke with a fellow employee per their tone and disposition in the work place. As I began to research the matter and resources to assist the situation I learned that these skill sets were not possessed by the individual. Therefore I began to see from an oversight perceptive that there is a dire need for these critical conversations and resources to be available in post-secondary programs; as a means of producing well educated and capable individuals.

The two resources that I have provided can be used in post-secondary settings as part of the orientation process for adult learners to include professional learning opportunities in the workplace. In the 21st century we must work as educators to building better support structures for current and returning students. The resources mentioned are just a few that can be of greater good if used to improve the learner and their professional outcomes.


Bonk, C. J. (2009). The world is open: How web technology is revolutionizing education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Posted by: 
Dr. Melvin Alonza Lowe, III, EdD 
Educational Director - 
Macon County Public Schools 

SREB (Southern Regional Education Board)
National Presenter -
Summer Conference 2017